Kids Tackle Packaging Waste | Aylesbury Box Company
How might your brand make a real difference? If it’s time for change, Aylesbury Box Company has the expertise to help you develop sustainable cardboard packaging solutions.
cardboard packaging, plastic packaging, Bincentives, Kids Against Plastic, packaging design
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Kids Tackle Packaging Waste

Kids Tackle Packaging Waste

How do you encourage young people to bin their litter? The Government is considering the introduction of a ‘reward and return’ scheme. A financial incentive could certainly help to increase plastic bottle recycling, but is it enough? When it comes to young people, peer influence could be the key to changing attitudes and altering behaviour.


In light of a growing awareness of the impact of plastic pollution, the British Plastic Federation and Plastics Europe teamed up with the Marine Conservation Society. They launched a ‘Litter Challenge’ with the aim of engaging young people in school based solutions. The students worked on ways to encourage their peers to bin, rather than drop, litter.

The winners were Hampton High School. Their idea has been called Bincentives. They used Emoji’s to create posters and stickers that can be placed on walls and school bins to raise awareness and alter behaviour. A school reward system can be employed alongside the Emoji scheme to encourage everyone to ‘bin it’. If you are interested in introducing Bincentives in your school, you can get further information here.

Kids Against Plastic

Driven by a passion for the environment, two sisters set up Kids Against Plastic to encourage young people to take action. Amy and Ella Meek have set a personal target to collect 100,000 items of single use plastic for recycling. In addition, they have prepared advice for individuals and cafes to become ‘Plastic Clever’.

The girls have raised awareness by speaking at national events, setting up a website and being interviewed for publications such as the BBOWT Wildlife Watch magazine. They hope that Kids Against Plastic will encourage other young people to get involved. Can their example and advice encourage your children to reduce waste?

Printed Packaging

Are you selling goods to the younger generation? The solution could be as simple as changing your print design. Take a look at Innocent Smoothies? The printed packaging  for their kids range includes tips or simple messages that encourage reuse and recycling of the packaging.

Advancing technology will enable packaging designers to get innovative with interactive ideas. Could there be an opportunity to provide incentives that support waste management? How might your brand make a real difference? If it’s time for change, Aylesbury Box Company has the expertise to help you develop sustainable cardboard packaging solutions.

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