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Rethinking Food Packaging

Consumers want appealing fresh food, at the perfect ripeness and with a decent shelf life. However, they are also keen to avoid chemical preservatives and plastic packaging. With tonnes of fruit and veg being shipped around the globe daily, can rethinking food packaging provide a...


Things are Hotting Up! – Red Packaging

Every year, fashion houses and paint companies determine the colours of the season or year. Once declared, many brands follow suit, producing clothing, interior furnishings, packaging and more in the tones that are in favour. So, what can we expect in 2023? Colours of the Year...


How Sustainable is your Food?

As consumers, we are now used to spotting labels that inform us whether product packaging is recyclable and sustainable. A new voluntary scheme for the food industry may soon provide more information on the sustainability of food products. How could this help to cut the...


Boxes of Unwrapped Fruit & Veg

France has banned plastic wrapping for the majority of fruit and vegetables, but we are led to believe that plastic helps to keep food fresher for longer. We know there is an urgent need to reduce the volume of single-use plastic used in food packaging...


Introducing Navilens to Packaging

Children’s cereal packets are renowned for being bright and some are receiving an extra splash of colour in the form of a Navilens code. This multi-coloured square is designed to improve accessibility for people with visual impairments; let’s find out more. What is Navilens? Navilens works in...


Covid-19 Shifts Food Packaging Priorities

Over the last decade, consumer pressure and global targets have positioned environmental packaging as a priority for many food brands. To minimise packaging waste, supermarkets and other retailers have introduced refill schemes and a greater range of unpackaged products. Where protection is necessary, there has been...


Can Food Packaging be Plastic-free?

Food packaging is a particular challenge in the bid to rid the world of plastic. It is fair to say that plastic can play a vital role in helping to keep food fresher for longer. In this respect, it reduces food waste, another environmental problem. Whilst...


Natural Ability to Hold Attention

The use of colour is a crucial element of packaging design. As consumers, we have an emotional response to colours and associate them with certain qualities. As an example, when it comes to food packaging, shades of blue are rarely used. This is because we...


Make the Switch: to Cardboard

Polystyrene has widely been used in food packaging, but change is occurring. An increasing interest in sustainable solutions has resulted in a shift towards cardboard alternatives. Unlike polystyrene, cardboard packaging can be made from recycled material and recycled again after use. Even if it reaches landfill,...

Natural Buzz

How is your will power holding up? For many of us, the initial drive for a healthier lifestyle is likely to be wearing thin about now. Don’t get disheartened; any changes for the better are worth taking. It’s important to find ways of making healthier choices...