Reusable & Refillable Packaging | Aylesbury Box Company
Single-use packaging is damaging our global environment. So, how can we transition from single-use towards reusable and refillable packaging?
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Reusable & Refillable Packaging


Reusable & Refillable Packaging

Single-use packaging is damaging our global environment. Litter is even polluting remote islands and the depths of the oceans. For this reason, we all need to take steps to transition away from single-use towards reusable and refillable packaging.

World Refill Day

Sunday 16 June is World Refill Day. This event highlights the need to increase the use of reusable and refillable packaging to reduce packaging waste. It aims to encourage Governments to incentivise manufacturers and retailers to provide more refill, reuse and plastic-free options. That’s because 82% of the population wants more options to help them avoid single-use packaging.

As part of this year’s event, City to Sea and other campaign groups have a specific mission in mind. They are calling on the Government to set a target that 30% of all packaging is reusable or refillable by 2030.

How Can We Make a Difference?

Do you want to reduce single-use packaging, but aren’t sure where to start? Let us share some suggestions with you.

Refill for Individuals

  1. Download the Refill App – This free App informs you of local places where you can get a discount if you take a refillable bottle, cup or container for takeaway food and drinks. You can also find the nearest plastic-free shops and locations for returnable packaging collections.
  2. Carry a refillable water bottle and coffee cup in your bag, to make it easy to refill and ensure you remain hydrated.
  3. Find a refill brand for your household cleaning products, toiletries and food options. We provide a list of some of the options later in this article.

Refill for Businesses

  1. Add your café, shop and/or collection point to the Refill App – to promote more refill stations.
  2. Provide a water station where colleagues and customers can refill for free to avoid buying bottled drinks.
  3. Contact your local packaging manufacturer to discuss plastic-free and reusable packaging options. To give some examples, we’ve helped brands shift to sustainable packaging solutions by providing:

  – Fully recyclable, plastic-free, moisture-resistant coatings

  – Paper-based alternatives to plastic void fill and foam

  – Tear strips and adhesive strips to enable secure packaging reuse for returns

If you would like to discuss viable ways to transition to reusable, plastic-free cardboard packaging, get in touch with our knowledgeable team to discuss your requirements.

Brands that Champion Reusable & Refillable Packaging

A growing number of brands are providing refillable packaging options. Here is a selection for you to consider:

Eco Breeze – workplace air filtration and fragrance solution with reusable filters made from natural coconut shells, fully recyclable vessels and packaging.

Water to Go – refillable water bottles, with filters that make fresh water from any source drinkable. This company also supports a range of global charities providing clean water and habitat protection.

Keep Cup – refillable coffee mugs from a B-corp that donates 1% of profits to environmental causes.

Fussy™ Deodorant – success in Dragon’s Den has helped this refillable, natural deodorant brand to grow.

SMOL – a B-corp company on a mission to reduce single-use plastic, they supply refillable and plastic-free household cleaning products.

Miniml Refills – A great option for refillable packaging and products including shampoo, hand soap, body wash, as well as household cleaners.

Zero Waste Bulk Foods – providing healthy office snacks for businesses in returnable jute bags

Ocean Saver – another refillable option for cleaning, these products can be found in major supermarkets

In addition to these suggestions, we recommend discovering your local refill shop. For us, that’s Aylesbury Eco Stores. Take your containers along to restock and support local, independent businesses.

Time to Embrace Refillable Packaging

So, whether you are looking to make changes as an individual or a business, World Refill Day is a great opportunity to explore the options and move away from single-use. Packaging waste is a serious global problem, yet by taking action, we can all make a difference. It’s time to embrace refillable packaging.

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