Steps Towards Net Zero: Our Fleet | Aylesbury Box Company
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Steps Towards Net Zero: Our Fleet


Steps Towards Net Zero: Our Fleet

Aylesbury Box Company is taking multiple steps towards Net Zero. We are considering every aspect of our operations to consider where measures can minimise our carbon footprint. As one of these steps, we have recently switched to an electric fleet.

Why Net Zero?

Scientific research makes it clear that the increasing volumes of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere contribute to global warming. The prevalence of natural disasters in recent years indicates that things are out of balance.

Whilst the Industrial Revolution was great for business, it also marked the start of environmental decline. The impact of releasing chemicals and fumes into the atmosphere wasn’t understood at the time but it is now.  And, while efforts to reduce carbon emissions have raised awareness, they have been insufficient for the scale of change that is needed.

Countries around the globe have committed to Net Zero policies. That is where the volume of greenhouse gases emitted equates to the volume removed from the atmosphere. However, this goal is not achievable by politicians and environmental policies. Every business, organisation, household and individual has to play their part, ours included.

As a relatively small packaging company, our steps towards Net Zero make a marginal impact. Yet, if every company on our industrial estate, in our town, in our county or across the country does the same, the change is significant. So, we are keen to play our part.

Why an Electric Fleet?

The majority of our customers are located within 40 miles of our factory and that helps us to keep our mileage down. However, our Account Managers spend time on the road visiting customers and making deliveries. To reduce emissions, we’ve installed charging infrastructure on our site and have invested in an electric fleet.

There are more advantages than carbon reduction. Firstly, there are Government schemes and tax incentives to help with the initial outlay. In addition, an electric fleet has lower running costs. These include currently being exempt from road tax and London’s Emission Zone charges.

We want to get ahead of the curve and make changes before petrol and diesel cars are phased out. As a result, we aim to future-proof our business.

Ethical Packaging Supplier

Our team are now in the swing of plugging in their vehicles when they return to the office. They’ve also given positive reports on the driving experience. What’s more, the move to electric ties in with their personal values, as well as our business ethos. As such, it’s ticking all the boxes!

Over the coming months, we’ll be reporting on some of the other steps towards net Zero that we’ve made. Although some are in their infancy, we hope all will contribute to our goals as a sustainable and environmentally responsible packaging manufacturer.

If you are looking for an ethical packaging supplier, our Environmental & Social Sustainability Policy is available on our website. In addition, we are happy to answer questions that you may have and will endeavour to meet your requirements.

Contact 01296 436888 or for further information.

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