Sustainable Christmas Cards

Sending Christmas cards is a seasonal tradition and there are ways to maintain this custom and minimise environmental impact. Will you pledge to go green for the 2023 festivities?

Why Do We Send Christmas Cards?

Let’s be honest, most of the mail that drops into our letterboxes are bills or generic flyers. For this reason, it is such a delight to receive Christmas cards. The colourful design and handwritten message provide a connection between friends, family and colleagues at a time of giving.

The tradition dates back to 1843 when the first illustrated Christmas cards were published, sent and sold by Henry Cole. He was the man who reformed the British postal system and part of his vision was to encourage the sending of decorative cards. The idea took off in the late 1800s. This was due to new print processes and techniques which made cards more widely available.

These days, it is quicker, cheaper and easier to send a festive message by text or in a social post. Yet, that seems to fall short on both the joy of receiving and the sentiment. Therefore, even in a time of digital communication, around a billion UK Christmas cards are sent every year.

The FSC Xmas Pledge

This year, the FSC® want to encourage us to make sustainable choices. Will you pledge to purchase sustainably sourced Christmas cards? The great news is that it’s not difficult or more expensive to do so!

Simply check to see if the card design you like features the FSC® Tick Tree logo. This is found on the back of individual cards or packs of cards. This symbol indicates that the paper used is sustainable. If it isn’t there, continue your search for alternatives.

Sign the pledge and then post an image of your cards to the FSC® Facebook or Instagram page. This enters you into a draw, where the lucky winner receives a £100 John Lewis voucher. That would be a good start to the New Year!

Make a Pledge

Eco-Friendly Christmas Cards

If you like to buy Christmas cards online, visit the Eco Friendly Card Company website. The founders have been on a mission to be environmentally responsible since launching three decades ago. They were the first UK greetings card company to achieve FSC® Chain of Custody certification. They are also carbon neutral and use green energy-powered printing. What’s more, they have over 400 photographic and illustrated card designs to choose from.

Maybe you know of a local card company that ticks all the boxes for sustainability and great design.

Alternatively, you may enjoy making your own cards. If so, get creative with hand-drawn designs, printing techniques or collages created from old magazines.

Recyclable Christmas Cards

We all love a bit of sparkle at Christmas, but please avoid glitter and foil details on your Christmas cards. These shiny additions, along with plastic laminates, result in the cards being unsuitable for recycling. Fortunately, the majority of inks, even metallic ones, can be used on the design without compromising recyclability.

Keep it simple and encourage recycling, so materials can be re-formed into cards for Valentine’s Day, birthdays and celebrations throughout the year.

The same applies to wrapping paper and packaging design for festive gift and subscription boxes. Great designs can be achieved without the need for a shimmering finish.

For advice on sustainable and recyclable packaging and print finishes, contact the team at Aylesbury Box Company on 01296 436888 or As an FSC® certified packaging manufacturer, with a commitment to environmental responsibility, they can answer your questions and offer advice to help you make the right choices.