Box Style Library
Aylesbury Box Company produces custom boxes, to best fit the products that you wish to ship, display and store. However, standard box styles are the starting point for all packaging designs. We then adapt these to meet your requirements.
If you are new to packaging, it can be helpful to look through examples of box styles, to help narrow down the options and find something along the lines of what you want to achieve.

Yes, we are a packaging manufacturer, but we strive to be much more than that by providing a personable service, helpful advice and streamline processes.
Luke Jamieson
Commercial Director

The Fefco Code
The Fefco Code is a global system for identifying the full range of standard box styles. By looking through the Fefco code, you can see the range of box styles that are available and start to identify your preferences.
Order like a Pro
Mention an 0201, 0427 or other Fefco code box style to our sales team,
they will know exactly what you are looking for!
Note: The FEFCO document contains 145 pages and is 29MB. It may take a minute or more to download; please be patient. Downloaded PDF will open in a new tab; you can save it on your computer for future reference.
Examples of the basic style series
01 – Commercial rolls and sheets
02 – Slotted boxes
Slotted boxes consist of basically one piece with a glued, stitched or taped manufacturers joint and top and bottom flaps. They are shipped flat, ready to use and require closing using the flaps provided.
03 – Telescopic boxes
Telescopic boxes usually consist of more than one piece (e.g. top and bottom) and they fit over each other.
04 – Folder boxes and trays
Folder boxes and trays are usually made from one piece of board. The bottom of the box is hinged to form two or all side walls and the cover. Locking tabs, handles, display panels, etc. can be incorporated in some designs.
05 – Slide boxes
Slide boxes consist of several pieces of liners and sleeves sliding in different directions into each other. This group also includes outside sleeves for other cases.
06 – Rigid boxes
Rigid boxes consist of two separate end pieces and a body that require stitching or a similar operation before they can be used.
07 – Ready-glued cases
Ready-glued cases consist of basically one piece, are shipped flat and ready to use by simple assembly.
08 – Retail and e-commerce packaging
Retail and e-commerce packaging category shows the typical styles used for Point of Sale (POS) displays and trays as well as styles for the online trade.
09 – Interior fitments
Interior fitments such as inside liners, pads, partitions, dividers, etc. whether integrated in the box design or as separate items. Any shown number of panels is arbitrary and may be increased or decreased as required.