Aylesbury Festival Tackles Waste

Aylesbury Box Company is determined to reduce, reuse and recycle. We’ve taken active measures to reduce waste in all areas of our business. We’re delighted when we hear of other local organisations which are doing the same.

Free Family Event in Aylesbury

Every August Bank Holiday weekend, Aylesbury Town Council work organise a free and inclusive family event in the Vale Park. Many local companies, groups and charities get involved, providing a wide range of entertainment. It means that old and young can join together for a fantastic mix of live music, activities, food and fun.

If you are keen to join in with Aylesbury’s community event this weekend, the Parklife festival on Saturday is followed by Church in the Park and Proms in the Park on Sunday.

Taking Action for the Environment

Fantastic as this event has proven to be, there is a flip side; the clean-up operation. Last year’s event generated 2.8 tonnes of waste. That is a lot of litter.

This year Aylesbury Town Council has taken action. Firstly, they have addressed the need to reduce plastic waste. As such, no plastic straws or single-use plastic cups will be available from stall holders and all food will be served in biodegradable containers.

Reusable cups will be on sale for £1, you can choose to keep the cup, or return it at the end of the event to reclaim your payment. Alternatively, you could take your own from home.

Keep the Park Clean

Visitors are encouraged to take responsibility and do their bit. They will be actively encouraged to take their litter home, or at least collect it into bin bags, which will be available at the event. If you are going, have fun, but make sure you leave the park in a good state for families, dog walkers, runners and skateboarders to enjoy on Monday morning.

AVDC and Buckinghamshire County Council’s waste management teams will be cleaning up after the event. Last year, much of the litter ended up in landfill. This year, plans are in place for the debris will be sent to Greatmoor Energy Waste Facility. At this site, waste can be processed and converted into electricity. It means that the environmental impact will be greatly reduced.

It’s great that there is no charge to attend this fantastic community event, but let’s ensure the cost to the environment is also minimised. Dispose of litter in the bins or take it home.