Our Relationship with Trees

As a manufacturer of corrugated cardboard boxes, Aylesbury Box Company is reliant on trees. We love trees and are hopeful that scientific findings will encourage the planting of more trees. The evidence indicates that the protection of existing forests and the planting of millions of trees are critical factors in addressing climate change.

You might be wondering how we can justify felling trees to make cardboard boxes when we are actively working to reduce our environmental impact. Let us explain why manufacturing paper-based products is not a compromise of our values.

How Corrugated Cardboard is Formed

Whilst corrugated cardboard can be made from 100% recycled material, it is typically formed from around 80% recycled fibres. These are mixed with virgin fibres. This increases the strength and durability of the packaging and impacts on whether the boxes can be classified as food safe.

The fact that fibres can be reused time and again makes corrugated cardboard is one of the most sustainable packaging materials. Around 85% of all corrugated cardboard is recycled, providing a good supply of recycled material, but how do we ensure a sustainable supply of the new fibres?

Sustainably Managed Forests

We ensure that all paper pulp used in our boxes comes from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) approved sources. In these managed forests, fast-growing species, such as Pine and Birch, are planted at a greater rate than they are harvested.

The recent growth of e-commerce and a shift away from single-use plastic have increased the demand for corrugated cardboard packaging. Despite this, European managed forests have been steadily increasing in size for decades.

Fortunately, these species are adaptable to the environmental conditions that we experience in Europe. They can thrive through winter snow, dry spells and regular downpours. The considered harvesting of trees is designed to allow sufficient light and space for younger samplings to grow.

If the commercial use for these forests were removed, they would be at greater risk of being felled for alternative uses.

Planting More Trees

This year, scientific studies revealed that a global mission to plant trillions of trees could, in time, play a part in combatting the effects of climate change. As trees grow, they absorb carbon and release oxygen. As such, they improve the air we breathe and could help to slow the rate of environmental damage. What’s more, they look beautiful.

In response to the research, others have stated the importance of planting the right trees in the right place. The focus needs to be on returning native species to areas that were once forests.

Within the UK, The Woodland Trust is active in helping schools and communities to plant trees. They offer support with grants and funding, as well as advice on which trees are suitable for specific environments. From urban planting to wildlife planting, they can supply saplings to fill the size of a tennis court or football pitch.

If you are simply looking to grow a tree or two in your garden, select native specimens. Get advice on the size of the fully matured tree and the ideal planting position; you want to avoid it being too near to your house.

Whilst reforestation is a positive action, trees need to mature before the real benefits of carbon capture can be realised. For this reason, it is vital that we take in interest in our local woodlands. It isn’t just the Amazon Rainforest that needs protecting.

Environmental Packaging

Aylesbury Box Company offers expertise in cardboard engineering and packaging design. Coupled with a conscious effort to reduce waste, we have supported many other businesses in their bid to find packaging solutions that lower their environmental impact and cut costs. If you would like to find out more, please contact us on 01296 436888.