As world leaders gather in Glasgow for COP26, we want to explore what the UK business community can do to reduce environmental impact and increase sustainability.
What is COP26?
COP26 is a gathering of 120 world leaders, who will be negotiating and committing to actions to tackle climate change.
Targets set at the Paris Agreement were a good start, but they weren’t sufficient to prevent global temperatures from increasing by 1.5 degrees. Each nation was asked to make fresh, stronger commitments every 5 years in what was described as a ratchet mechanism. The 5 years were up at the end of 2020, but Covid has pushed the meeting to November 2021.
The aim is for Governments across the world to agree on tough actions which embed environmental and social responsibility as a united goal. These will include:
- Phasing out coal, to be replaced by renewable energy
- Cut carbon emissions in the built environment, transportation and agriculture sectors
- Protect and increase natural, biodiverse habitats including forests, wetlands, peatlands and oceans
- Provide climate finance to developing nations to support investment and action
Glasgow is the host city for this important event, which will run from 31 October until 12 November.
Sustainable Businesses
Whilst Government targets are crucial for enforcing change, climate change is an issue that impacts every community, every business, every individual. Therefore, we all reap the rewards if we make changes to reduce the resources used in business.
As an SME, you may feel that the impact made by picking a green energy supplier or FSC® certified packaging company is a token gesture. You may believe that switching to an electric fleet or working towards ISO 14001 is not going to make a difference. This is not the case, there are many benefits.
WIN BUSINESS – For a start, such changes will put you in favour with clients. Contracts, tenders and orders are increasingly being won by companies that can evidence that sustainability is a core business objective.
CUT COSTS – Secondly, reducing the resources used in the production and delivery of goods and services cuts costs. The investment made in green initiatives can often be offset within a few years.
INCREASE RESILIENCE – When goods are designed to be made from recycled or renewable materials, which can be recycled again at end of use, then there is less risk of shortages in supply. Reduced dependence on virgin materials builds resilience, helping to secure the long-term future of the company.
One enterprise focused on sustainability isn’t going to make a dent in carbon emissions, however, collectively, millions of businesses can. To support widespread action, the United Nations launched a Race to Zero initiative. This includes an SME Climate Hub.
UK Business Climate Hub
The UK Business Climate Hub provides tools and resources to support companies to:
- Commit to cutting emissions and set targets
- Measure and report emissions
- Develop a business strategy to achieve the target
- Reduce emissions
- Reduce value chain emissions
- Contribute to climate action in society
As 99% of UK businesses are SMEs, the resources are designed to be realistic and accessible to smaller companies. So far, 1911 UK businesses have set a target. It is hoped that the COP26 event will encourage many more to follow suit.
Even if your company doesn’t join the Hub, there are actions that you could take before the end of 2021 to make positive environmental and social changes. Why wait for Governments to make it mandatory? This isn’t a political issue; we all play a part in the future of the planet.
Our Actions as a Packaging Manufacturer
Over the last decade, Aylesbury Box Company has been making steady changes to reduce energy and water use and to cut waste. We have prioritised supply chain sustainability and this year became an FSC® certified packaging supplier. These steps have helped us to gain new customers who value our green credentials.
Our advice has helped many businesses to switch from single-use plastic and polystyrene to cardboard packaging and we provide them with evidence of supply chain sustainability. Our journey doesn’t stop here; there is always room for improvement and green credentials continue to inform our strategy. It simply makes good business sense.