Cardboard Design Winners

Cardboard is a widely available and highly adaptable packaging material. It can be cut, shaped and printed without the need for complex tools or specialist skills. As such, it is ideal for the development of new packaging designs.

Every year the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) sets the Paperworks Design and Technology competition for Cardboard Packaging. In line with the curriculum and with a choice of briefs, the annual challenge aims to provide school students with a practical means of applying their skills, knowledge and creativity.

Party in a Box

The winner of this year’s Paperworks cardboard packaging competition has been announced. Max Rayner, a 14 year old student from Sandbach School received high praise for his ‘Party in a Box’ design.

Max took on a brief to design a new packaging solution for wireless headphones. The brief explained that the headphones were regularly being damaged in transit, so the solution had to address this issue. The design would also need to appeal to the target customer and be cost effective for the company to produce, package and send.

The judges commented that Max had produced a unique design, with the wow factor. He was praised for producing a cardboard packaging design that, with minor tweaking, would be commercially viable. Brilliant work Max!

Cardboard Packaging Runners Up

Students from Kingsbridge Community College in Devon and Cleveland School in Somerset were awarded the runners up prizes. Well done to all of the students who took on the challenge and learnt a little more about the potential of cardboard as a packaging material.

Paperwork Resources for Schools

The Design and Technology challenge isn’t the only resource produced by CPI for teachers. You can find more details on the following at

  • Art & Design challenge for 5-7 year olds
  • Science & Technology challenge for 7-11 year olds
  • Geography Challenge for 11-18 year olds
  • Business Studies Challenge for 14-18 year olds

The CPI resources are free to schools and receive a 5 star rating on the TES website. They bring relevant industry issues into the classroom to inspire the fresh thinking of the next generation.

Look out for the next cardboard packaging competition, which is launched at the start of October!