Fresh Thinking for Product Packaging

Aylesbury Box Company has worked hard to ensure that environmental credentials underpin our processes and products. Our knowledgeable team promotes the recycling of packaging. They have assisted many brands in the switch from plastic to cardboard packaging.

We are always delighted to hear about other brands which are making sustainability a priority for their business. Here is a sample of the companies that are changing attitudes by leading the way in sustainable packaging.

Seeking an Alternative to Plastic Drinks Bottles

Yes, those images of plastic bottles littering our rivers and seas are shocking. One drink downed and we are left with a non-biodegradable bottle for centuries. Multiply that by the number of plastic drinks bottles sold in the UK every day and you can begin to understand the rapid escalation of the problem.

You can’t easily switch from plastic to cardboard packaging for drinks, but there are more sustainable options. You can take your own reusable mug to the coffee shop and you can select brands which are actively addressing environmental issues, including:

CanO Water

UK brand CanO Water sell natural spring water in 330ml and 500ml cans. This packaging decision was made following a trip to a remote island, where plastic pollution was having a detrimental impact. The cans are formed from around 68% recycled content and they can be easily recycled and processed into new cans. As a bonus, the cans help to keep the water cooler for longer.

Tetra Pak

One of the largest packaging producers for the beverage industry, Tetra Pak is committed to reducing the environmental impact of the drinks market. Their full-colour, digitally-printed packaging has clear recycle labelling and the plastic used is plant-based (derived from sugar cane), making it biodegradable. All this, and they are helping customers to make cost savings during the manufacturing process.

Making the Switch to Plastic-free Food Packaging

We often share the benefits of corrugated cardboard boxes for consumable products. Flowers, fruit and vegetables are better protected and stay fresher for longer in cardboard packaging.

Morrisons Switch to Cardboard Packaging

One small change in a supermarket’s approach to sustainability can have far-reaching effects. Iceland, the Co-op and M&S have all made improvements to benefit the environment, without having a negative impact on our shopping habits. Morrisons has now committed to removing all polystyrene from its products.

Polystyrene discs had been used as a base for cakes, pizzas and other frozen foods. These will be changed to cardboard packaging replacements.

Lidl Fruit & Veg Boxes

Meanwhile, competitor Lidl is looking to tackle food waste, whilst providing low-cost food items for customers. Their cardboard boxes full of ‘Too Good to Waste’ fruit and veg is fresh and edible. The produce simply looks a little less conventional than the usual supermarket selection.

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Lickalix Keep it Natural

Lickalix is a UK ice-lolly company which uses only natural ingredients in their products. In keeping with this philosophy, their packaging has been created from plant-based materials. This makes the wrapping 100% compostable.

Recycle Cardboard, Cans, Glass and Plastics

As consumers, it is important that we support any company that uses sustainable packaging. The easiest way to do this is to look for recycling information on the packaging and dispose of waste packaging in the appropriate recycling bin whenever this is an option.

With the consumer taking on this vital step in the process, cardboard, cans, glass and even certain plastics can be recycled and reused, time and again.