At this time of year, you might start to select wrapping paper, boxes and packaging in which to present your Christmas gifts. You could simply hand them over as they are, however the packaging adds an extra dimension; the element of surprise.

As a child little beats the excitement of seeing a large gift under the Christmas tree with your name on it. Instantly a range of possibilities spring to mind and the anticipation, followed by the opportunity to unwrap and discover, can be as appealing as what’s inside.

One of our clients, Urban Front, wanted to add an element of surprise in their packaging design. The end result is simple, yet highly effective.

Flood Printing

Urban Front’s contemporary, hand finished doors are now delivered in a cardboard box that looks unremarkable from the outside, however the interior of the box has been flood coated in a rich turquoise. The colour looks stunning and shows off the high quality doors that are protected inside. The impact is striking and adds a hidden surprise that makes the company and the product memorable.

Flood coating is a process in which the entire surface of a box is coated in an even layer of ink, adhesive, varnish or other finish. In the case of the Urban Front packaging design, flood printing was the ideal technique to create the intensity of colour that they were looking for.

Could flood printing provide a solution for the interior or exterior of your product packaging?

How else could you add a hidden surprise?

Aylesbury Box Company is happy to discuss ideas and possibilities with you.