A Lightbulb Moment in Cardboard Packaging

The best ideas are often the simplest ones and the R16 lamp is an excellent example. Created by Waarmakers, a Dutch firm that focuses on ‘translating design ideas, brand strategies and concepts into circular and future proof designs’ the design is sure to have many people wondering why they didn’t come up with that idea!

What’s Unique about the R16 Lamp?

If you order an R16 lamp, everything you need for the linear LED ceiling light will arrive in a cardboard tube, nothing too innovative there. The difference is that the cardboard packaging is part of the finished design. You remove all of the elements, assemble the light and push out a perforated section in the cardboard tube to allow the light to shine out.

The simplicity of this design is admirable and there is no packaging waste. The durable cardboard works to protect the light fitting in transport and storage, as well as being sufficiently robust to be an essential part of the end product.

The cardboard tube is naturally strong, elegantly simple and neutral in colour. It fits well into any interior, from home to office or industrial unit. If you aren’t taken by manila as a colour, it is easy to finish the cardboard light with your own choice of paint colour, so you can customise it specifically for your interior setting.

The use of LED lighting not only adds to the sustainability of the design, but also ensures that the light won’t overheat and damage the cardboard tube. It all adds up to a long lasting, low cost, energy efficient and environmentally sound product.

Reimaged Cardboard Packaging

Could a fresh approach enable your company to create an innovative alternative use for your product packaging? Cardboard is a truly versatile material, with plenty of potential uses. It could be as simple as a few additional flaps, perforated shapes or other box design details to transform your packaging into something new. If you have ideas, we can help you find the best way to reimagine your cardboard box.