Packaging Design Review 2021

Brexit rules, Covid-19 restrictions and rapid shifts in customer behaviours; as a business owner, it can feel as though you have no control over anything. As an e-commerce business, the design of your product packaging and shipping boxes is something that you can take control of. This article aims to help you to review your […]

What Happens to All the Cardboard Boxes?

It is likely that in the countdown to Christmas, you received many orders packaged in cardboard boxes. With many retailers forced to close in lockdown, online shopping grew at at accelerated rates through 2020. All those e-commerce deliveries can leave you with quite a collection of cardboard boxes. Some of the boxes may have been […]

Supplies to Keep Hospital Hygienic

The demands on hospitals, pharmacies and other healthcare centres have been pushed to the limits through the Covid-19 pandemic. The pressures on nurses, doctors, cleaners and support teams have been relentless. Gratitude for all NHS workers has skyrocketed. This country is so fortunate to have dedicated teams who offer high levels of healthcare when we […]

Tuck into Takeaway Boxes

In December 2020, the remains of a Roman street food vendor was fully uncovered in Pompeii. Known as a thermopolium, this decorated food stall included holes where large pots of food would have been held. The discovery included a bronze ladle, food containers (known as amphorae) and the fragments of duck, goat, fish and snail. […]

Festive Greetings

Thank you. 2020 has been a most unexpected of years. Like many businesses, Aylesbury Box Company has had to adapt and respond to changing customer needs. We appreciate the efforts of our dedicated team, the support of suppliers and every order that our customers have placed. With challenge comes opportunity. This has been a record […]

Lighting up a Winter’s Day

Through the darkest time of year, candles bring a cosy, subtle light to every home. To bring a little warmth into your winter’s day, Aylesbury Box Company would like to introduce three candle companies that we have helped with their packaging design. Bella Hope London Candles Bella Hope London candles are made with 100% natural […]

Prevent Christmas Packaging Waste

Christmas 2020 will be a little different to usual. Social distancing will impact on family gatherings, office parties and shopping. The number of gifts bought online has been steadily growing over the past decade and a sharp rise is expected this year. As online sales peak, what is the impact of good e-commerce packaging design […]

Hand-packed Boxes Supporting Small Businesses

When the UK first went into lockdown, small, independent businesses were quick to respond. Local retailers and eateries adapted at speed to support their community and provide essential products and services. Now is the time for us to repay their efforts. Some companies, including Mindfill, are making it easy and convenient to buy gift boxes […]

Boxes of Creative Fun; It’s Child’s Play!

Aylesbury Box Company are keen to provide packaging advice and solutions for start-up businesses. We know that there are many advantages to making informed decisions about your packaging solutions, rather than simply opting for the cheapest, off-the-shelf option. We understand that budgets can be restrictive in the early days, but we do offer low volume […]

Printed Packaging – A Splash of Colour

Colour transforms a non-descript box into a beautiful branded item of packaging, but what do you need to know about printed packaging? Colour Association and Packaging Design We have an innate emotional response to colour; it influences our mood and our reaction to certain brands and products. Whilst shades of blue are associated with professionalism […]

Don’t Order those Boxes!

Stop! Don’t order those boxes just yet. Before you opt for standard packaging, we have an important question for you to consider; what do you want the packaging to do? Packaging serves many purposes. Understanding exactly what you need is the first step in getting the best packaging solution. Protective Shipping Boxes Damaged goods are […]

Treat Boxes for Loyal Pets

In the last article, we focused on care cartons; gift packaging to show thanks for the support of great friends, family, colleagues and business associates. For many of us, it is our pets who have provided loyal companionship during 2020. The cats that curl up on your lap of an evening, the dogs that give […]

Gift Packages for Loyal Friends

This year has certainly helped us all to appreciate who and what is important. Good health and great company make it easier to deal with all of life’s challenges. A gift package can be the perfect way to show appreciation to those who have been there for us. Who deserves to receive a token of […]

Packaging for Book Lovers

If your pleasure is reading, then the perfect gift is a book (or ten!) and the ideal shopping experience is a traditional bookshop. One of our customers is Coles Books in Bicester, which is the oldest independent bookshop in North Oxfordshire. Whilst they provide a delightful haven for local book lovers, they also offer an […]

Packaging Hacks to Aid the Visually Impaired

Retail packaging has visual appeal in mind. Colour, imagery and fonts are carefully selected and positioned to attract attention. Detailed information and icons are printed in small text to ensure they don’t distract from the main design. With purchasing decisions so dependent on what we see, shopping must be a challenge for those with a […]

Maximise Peak Season Sales

Every retailer needs to maximise sales in the countdown to Christmas. Getting your products, packaging, workspace and processes in order now will minimise ‘Out of Stock’, late deliveries and missed opportunities. The events of 2020 have driven demand for e-commerce. Even those who favoured physical stores are now choosing to avoid queues, masks and hand […]

Cardboard helps social distancing

With the rise in demand for online shopping, it is no surprise that orders for cardboard boxes have gone through the roof. Local shops, producers and suppliers have been quick to adapt in response to customer needs. They were quick to initiate new processes that allowed customers to place an order, which was then delivered […]

Packaging ‘Villain’ is Changing its Ways

In the world of sustainable packaging, there is something worse than single-use plastic bottles. Although they are a serious cause for concern and they are having a negative environmental impact, plastic bottles can be recycled. This is not always the case for packaging that is formed from multiple materials. Described by The Recycling Association as […]

Inspiring Cardboard Packaging Designs

Ready to be inspired? Pro Carton organises an annual competition for young designers. This year, cardboard designs have been submitted from students in 25 countries. The judges shortlist has been made and the public vote for the best cardboard design concept is open until 30 September. The entries include practical and beautiful creations including a […]

A Great Packaging Team

What does it take to deliver the best packaging supplies? A great packaging team! At Aylesbury Box Company, every member of our team has a vital role to play. Whether manufacturing cardboard packaging, managing client accounts, helping to promote the business, keeping our finances in order or planning our future strategy, we need everyone to […]

Shopping for Christmas?

The countdown to Christmas offers an annual peak in sales, so retailers start preparations in the spring. We deal with enquiries for Christmas gift packaging throughout the year, but even we were surprised to hear that the John Lewis online Christmas shop has gone live in August. This ‘earlier than ever’ festive launch is apparently […]

Covid-19 Shifts Food Packaging Priorities

Over the last decade, consumer pressure and global targets have positioned environmental packaging as a priority for many food brands. To minimise packaging waste, supermarkets and other retailers have introduced refill schemes and a greater range of unpackaged products. Where protection is necessary, there has been a shift away from plastic towards sustainable packaging options […]

Packaging Design with a Twist

Online shopping has helped to keep many of us stocked up during and since lockdown. Companies with e-commerce facilities in place were able to quickly respond to customer needs. Many other retail businesses adapted quickly to package up their products, provide ordering and delivery services. As a box manufacturer, we know the demand for e-commerce […]

Cardboard Keeps Youngster on Track

What do you do when you love train travel, but can no longer get on board? This was the dilemma facing an 11-year- old girl from Worthing during lockdown. As an avid train fan, July came up with a creative solution. It just required her mum to source some large cardboard boxes. With a supply […]

A Focus on Boxes for School Initiatives

Aylesbury Box Company provides large corrugated cartons for industrial customers, printed e-commerce packaging and bespoke boxes for businesses. We are also asked to provide boxes for non-commercial projects, charities and, in the case of the following examples, school initiatives. British Council Project to Support Online Collaboration The closure of schools has forced many pupils and […]

Packaging and Presentation: Get ‘Unboxing’ Ready

When an order is received, packed and dispatched, does it matter what the packaging looks like? The customer has already paid and if they are happy with the goods, that’s good enough – or is it? Let’s consider things from the customer perspective. Scenario One – A delivery arrives in a plain, standard cardboard box. […]

Stylish Cardboard Packaging Inspiration

Today we have come across a Pinterest board created by Lily Lee. This delightful collection shows the stylish simplicity that can be achieved with cardboard packaging. If you take a look at Lily’s Corrugated Box collection, you will see wonderful examples of subscription boxes, retail packaging and e-commerce boxes. Many of these are low-cost packaging […]

Avoid Packaging Empty Space!

Packaging is essential for society, yet it is one of the visible signs of our wasteful society. It is essential to find ways in which the economy can grow without increasing environmental damage. This was the over-arching message that was shared in Unwrapping the Future of Sustainable Packaging – a Politico event in collaboration with […]

Delivering Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This simple concept has had a significant impact on the packaging industry over the last decade. As specialists in the design, manufacture and print of cardboard packaging, Aylesbury Box Company is passionate about supporting our customers to achieve their sustainable packaging goals. Rather than simply supplying boxes, we take time to understand […]

Bright Future for E-commerce Packaging

Were you one of the many companies that rapidly adapted to the demand for local deliveries and online purchases? If packaging decisions were made in a hurry, Aylesbury Box Company can advise on better options. The global lockdown has fast-tracked a shift in consumer behaviour. Whilst there has been a steady growth in online shopping […]