Compostable Bags for Recycling Coffee

When the barista in your favourite independent café makes you the perfect coffee, it can give you the boost you need to get through the day. But did you know that the waste coffee grounds can revitalise your garden as much as your mind? We recently delivered compostable bags to Aylesbury Town Council for its […]

Green Initiatives

Ambitions to reduce carbon emissions and waste require investment in green technologies and incentives to encourage sustainable practices. The Plastic Packaging Tax is one initiative aimed at convincing manufacturers and retailers to embrace alternative packaging materials. But, does it go far enough or do we need more green initiatives? Investment in Green Initiatives The UK […]

The Cost of Ecommerce Returns

Online shoppers are in the habit of buying, trying and returning fashion purchases. So much so, that an offer of ‘free returns’ is almost expected. However, there are financial and environmental costs to ecommerce returns, so brands are seeking new solutions. Purchase in-store and there is the option to try items on in the changing […]

Recycling Myths Busted

There is a lot of conflicting information about recycling. Misinformation prevents some people from bothering to separate recyclables and general waste, so it’s time to bust some myths. Recycle Week 2022 Since its launch in 2004, Recycle Week has built awareness of and a commitment to improved waste management in households and businesses. This year […]

Reducing Plastic Packaging: Who is Responsible?

We all know that the excessive use of plastic packaging poses a significant problem. Our rivers, seas, beaches and countryside are being filled with non-biodegradable packaging. Greater action needs to be taken, but who is responsible? Is it down to Government policymakers, manufacturers, retailers or shoppers to reduce the consumption of plastic packaging? Government Policy […]