Packaging for Distribution

Retail Distribution and Shelf Ready Packaging

Retail packaging for efficient stock management

Getting your products from your facility to the shop shelves needs to be slick and efficient. That includes ease of packing before distribution, then locating the right product in the retailer’s store and restocking the shelves in an instant.

Cardboard distribution boxes offer lightweight handling and robust protection during shipping. We can print the top section with handling instructions and the lower tray with branding for impactful displays.

Missing Bean Coffee Roasters
“We see lots of stunning packaging, but it often includes unnecessary layers and excessive use of inks. Whilst we want to be a recognisable brand with quality products and packaging, we are also mindful of sustainability. Our branded packaging has to balance appearance with our ethics. Aylesbury Box Company have made a good initial impression on us and we’ll be ordering from them again.”

Shelf Ready Packaging

Having fulfilled its role as a secure shipping and storage box, our printed shelf ready packaging operates as a display feature. Using perforations or tear tops, the top section of the box is easily removed, revealing the contents. The lower tray slides onto the allotted slot on the shelf.We offer flexographic or lithographic print design for shelf ready packaging along with integrated header cards for till displays. These are effective for promoting your product and brand to retail customers.We also manufacture free-standing displays, delivered on a pallet, to be located at the end of an aisle or as part of a seasonal promotion or product launch.

Benefits of Shelf Ready Packaging

Optimise shelf space – products are contained within the dimensions of the box and, with some designs, can be stacked

Simplify stock replenishment – one movement to load a full case of products

Reduce product handling – lowering the risk of damaged goods

Enhance the appearance of products on the shelf – to attract buyers

Aid brand communication – providing more space to communicate than the product label

Be easy to remove & recycle – the empty boxes are quickly removed, flattened and widely recycled