Sticking with Tradition

We live in a world where the rate of change is rapid. No sooner have you bought a new phone or television and a state of the art latest version is released. You splash out on the latest fashions but, after a couple of washes, the new season stock is on display. Maybe this explains […]

Resurgence in UK Manufacturing

The fall in value of sterling probably meant that you didn’t get a great exchange rate for your summer holiday and the value continues to drop. This may sound like devastating news, but there are considerable advantages to being in this financial position. One clear example is that British goods are currently competitively priced in […]

Cutting Corners with Cheap Packaging

When times are tough, it is common for a company to review its strategy, productivity and processes. Are there any ways in which outgoings can be reduced, income can be increased or ideally both? The challenge is that boosting sales, increasing efficiency and getting the most from your team often require investment. In addition to […]