Which Custom Boxes Fit the Brief?

Contacting a local packaging supplier for the first time can be daunting. You know that you need boxes to package your products, send orders and improve presentation, but how do you explain what type of box you have in mind? To try to help you prepare, we’ve put tighter a quick guide. What type of […]

Tuck into Takeaway Boxes

In December 2020, the remains of a Roman street food vendor was fully uncovered in Pompeii. Known as a thermopolium, this decorated food stall included holes where large pots of food would have been held. The discovery included a bronze ladle, food containers (known as amphorae) and the fragments of duck, goat, fish and snail. […]

How is your Takeaway Boxed?

Are you regularly tempted by a Chicken Chow Mein, a pizza, Balti dish or kebab? If so, you are not alone. The demand for takeaways has never been higher and in response, there was a 34% increase in the number of fast-food outlets in the UK from 2000 to 2018*. The convenience of having an […]

Common Footprint Quality (CFQ) Standard

When it comes to fresh produce, retailers and consumers want fresh goods as soon as possible after they are picked. We want to select flowers, fruits and vegetables that are crisp and bright with a reasonable shelf life. In order to get good from field to consumers as quickly as possible, efficient processes are vital […]

All Wrapped Up in Cardboard Containers

Do you enjoy yours with salt and vinegar, ketchup or mushy peas? Fish and chips are a long standing British favourite. Originally cod and chips were a very affordable meal and a staple of the working classes. These days a shortage of cod has seen prices rocket, so it is far more likely that you […]